Zulip communities directory
The Zulip communities directory offers
publicly accessible Zulip Cloud organizations an opportunity to
be listed on the Zulip website. It's a way for open-source
projects, research
communities, and
others to advertise their Zulip community
and support the Zulip project.
The directory will display your community's name, logo, and a link to you Zulip
chat. Other information from your organization
profile and the size of your
organization may be included as well.
In order to be eligible for listing in the communities directory, an
organization must be open to the public. Your organization is eligible
if users are allowed to join without an invitation
and/or the public access option is enabled.
The directory will be organized by organization type,
so it is highly recommended that you make sure the appropriate category
is selected.
To prevent spam, Zulip reserves the right to use editorial discretion.
Giving Zulip permission to promote your organization in the communities
directory does not guarantee that it will be listed.
Self-hosted Zulip communities
Zulip plans to develop support for self-hosted Zulip communities that
have registered their servers with the Zulip mobile push
notification service to sign-up for the Zulip
communities directory.
Until that feature is developed, if you administer a self-hosted Zulip
community and would like to be listed in the directory, please contact
Zulip support. Changing the setting in your
Zulip organization will not send any information to the Zulip project
at this time, even if you use the Zulip mobile push notifications
Change whether your organization may be listed in the Zulip communities directory
This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.
- Instructions for all platforms
Click on the gear () icon in the upper
right corner of the web or desktop app.
Select Organization settings.
On the left, click Organization profile.
To be listed in the appropriate category, under Organization type, select
the option that best fits your organization.
Toggle Advertise organization in the Zulip communities
Click Save changes.
Organizations that are not open to the public will not be listed at this time.
If you administer a non-public organization, please check the box to request
to be listed in the future.
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